Admixtures & Impregnations for Better Concrete
Our Range of Manufactured Products
The Cementaid International Group of Companies
has been at the forefront of the development of
advanced admixtures and surface treatments
for concrete since 1954
Cementaid’s simple-to-use technical products enable concrete designers and users to maximise the performance, durability and profitability of their structures by giving their concrete enhanced properties and abilities.
These range from specialised resistance to salts or acids, integral waterproofing and corrosion-proofing, extreme resistance to abrasion or impact, dusting, staining or weathering, or any one of a dozen properties where higher performance qualities are desired. Cementaid enhanced concretes deliver better performing, more durable structures, built faster and requiring little or no maintenance, at optimally low cost.
Cementaid are dedicated to the service of our customers and their projects through Technical Service and Production Centres in major cities throughout Australia, South-East Asia, the United Kingdom, the Middle East, and since 1995, West Coast USA

Cementaid International Expands Into the Philippines
The Cementaid International Group opened a new subsidiary company in Manila, Philippines in November; Cementaid Philippines Inc Since 1988, the Australian owned concrete additive company served Philippine customers via their agent. Cementaid benefits...
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Euro Material Certification (BBA): Everdure Caltite Concrete Waterproofing & Durability
Ultra-Low Absorption Spec Time-Proven Successful Over 40 Years (Nov 2001) The Concrete Institute of Australia introduced the new guideline document "Performance Criteria for Concrete in Marine Environments" at a well-attended seminar in Sydney recently....
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