
LocationsCementaid International Group of Companies Contact Us The Cementaid International Group of Companies has been at the forefront of the development of advanced admixtures and surface treatments for concrete since 1954. Our range of quality products has been...

The Everdure Caltite System

Everdure CALTITE System HPI An Overview, Some Presentations, Videos, Test Results & Project References * Contact Us An Overview Modern concrete has a major, inherent deficiency as a building material. ALL Concrete always gets wet. It is porous. Because it is...


EVERDURE CALTITE Membrane Free Waterproof Concrete Structures Contact Us EVERDURE CALTITE Membrane Free Waterproof Concrete Structures   Prevention of Disintegration of Concrete through an attack by Sulphate/Chloride Soluble Salts, and also specialised construction...

Everdure Caltite – What the Industry Says

Everdure Caltite - What the Industry Says... HYDROPHOBIC PORE-BLOCKING INGREDIENT FOR NON-ABSORPTIVE, IMPERMEABLE CONCRETE – Independent Reports & Conclusions Contact Us on Chloride Penetration: Roads & Traffic Authority NSW (Aust.) (CTI...