
State Theatre Centre Western Australia

  • Jan 1, 2011
, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Structural engineer: Not know
Products Used: Everdure Caltite, 3CC
Type: Educational, Public
Where Used:

Opened in January 2011, the $91M State Theatre Centre of WA (STCWA) is a world class venue for performing arts, located at a prominent corner of the Perth Cultural Centre. A large part of the building is positioned underground for economy of footprint and includes the multi-purpose Studio Underground and artists’ Green Room, make-up and changing areas. The high water table level in the reclaimed Lake Kingsford site selected for the venue, means the building is subject to more than 60kPa design uplift pressure (up to 85kPa / 7.4m at the lift pit area). Moreover groundwater/soils analysis indicated presence of Potential Acid Sulphate Soils (PASS). Achieving 100+ year design-life was a requirement set by the Client. Cementaid 3CC Hydrophobic Pore-blocking Ingredient was used to waterproof concrete used in the diaphragm and secant-pile walls. EVERDURE CALTITE HPI was used in casting the top 300mm of the 600mm thick Basement Raft Slab, as well as in the exposed concrete cladding panels. The HPI concrete used successfully and cost-effectively achieved the project’s waterproofing and durability objectives. The Centre’s completed basement theatre and other areas are bone dry and performing to the satisfaction of all parties. NO membranes were used in the construction of this major project.